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全栈开发 for nextjs+TypeScript+Tailwind CSS+Redis+PostgreSQL+MeiliSearch+Checkout with PayPal and Stripe
构建技术: NextJS TypeScript Tailwind CSS Redis PostgreSQL
功能特点:PayPal IntegrationStripe CheckoutMeiliSearch
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AI prompt业务数据统筹数据可视化分析
负责项目从0到1的搭建、开发、上线,涵盖前端、Web服务端Chart平台基于AI Prompt 实现集团战略分析需求导入原始数据集、并输入分析需求,就能自动生成可视化图表及分析结论,提高数据分析效率。
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WebRTC IM based on Nodejs + socket.io + express
WebRTC IM based on Nodejs + socket.io + express.suport p2p group mode video call and message,stands for Web Real-Time Communications exchange connection data in the form of SDP objects but never touches the data itself, that is actually transmitted between the peers themselves via STUN and TURN servers
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