I'm a dedicated FullStack Engineer focused on Software engineer, interested and working, aiming to be an independent developer.

FrameworksDevOpsCloud PlatformsOptimizedDesignedanimationsIntegrateddynamicTestingCompliance Management

with 5 years of experience

in ReactNative, ReactJs, Node etc.

joejoey.ma@gmail.com +86-13500000000

Frontend Dev | FullStack | ReactJs + NodeJs

Speaker of English Cantonese Mandarin

more skills check here


Here you will find information about my current projects


ecomerce_demo for nextjs

Full stack ecomerce demo for nextjs+TypeScript+Tailwind CSS+Redis+PostgreSQL+MeiliSearch+Checkout with PayPal and Stripe

Check it out

1. PayPal Integration

2. Stripe Checkout

3. MeiliSearch

  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Redis
  • PostgreSQL
Play the Demo on Youtube

ERP/OS/Business-Finance Integration/Inventory and Logistics Management SaaS

Spearheaded the frontend refactoring of an ERP system (infrastructure, redevelopment, and deployment). Addressed legacy architecture complexities, high concurrency, and cross-department integrations in a containerized, disaster-tolerant deployment environment.

Check it out

    Play the Demo on Youtube


    AI Prompt-based Business Data Visualization & Analysis

    Managed the project from inception to deployment, covering both frontend and backend development of a chart platform. This system utilized AI Prompts to generate strategic analysis charts based on input data sets and business analysis requirements, significantly improving the efficiency of data visualization.This is a collection of AI-RAG project materials. Based on the research of the project, AI Prompt-based Business Data Visualization & Analysis was developed.

    Check it out

    • RAG
    • LLM
    • ChatGPT
    • LangChain
    Play the Demo on Youtube


    This extension enhances GitHub repositories by adding a convenient dropdown menu. This menu offers direct links to various online platforms that allow users to view and interact with the repository's source code in an environment reminiscent of an IDE.

    Check it out

      Play the Demo on Youtube


      WebRTC IM based on Nodejs + socket.io + express

      WebRTC IM based on Nodejs + socket.io + express.suport p2p group mode video call and message,stands for Web Real-Time Communications exchange connection data in the form of SDP objects but never touches the data itself, that is actually transmitted between the peers themselves via STUN and TURN servers

      Check it out

        Play the Demo on Youtube


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        A blog created with Next.js, i18n and Tailwind.css

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