
React Source Code Debugging Techniques


Why am I writing this article? Because I wanted to debug React source code using a project based on vite rather than one created with cra. I couldn't find this combination online, so I decided to do it myself. As a result, I encountered some pitfalls, which I must record. Who knows, it might help someone else 😄.

Download the Source Code

The target is React version v18.2.0. Simply download the corresponding tag. [^1]

g cloneb v18.2.0 https://github.com/facebook/react.git

Install Dependencies

When installing dependencies, you're likely to encounter the following issues 🐞:

  • gifsicle: Command failed, because React's dependencies rely on the autoconf package. First, use homebrew to install it (for macOS, I'm not sure about Windows)
    brew install autoconf automake libtool
  • electron: Command failed, an Electron mirror source issue. You need to set a usable mirror source. The Taobao mirror found online is outdated (I couldn't find the latest one), but I discovered that Huawei's works well
    yarn config set electron_mirror https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/electron/

Compilation Preparation

We need to modify the packaging configuration react/scripts/rollup/build.js/getRollupOutputOptions. First, enable sourcemap for easy source code tracking, and second, comment out several plugins to prevent compilation errors:

// Core: source code mapping
sourcemap: true
// Comment out the following plugins, otherwise compilation will throw errors
// 1. transform removes 'use strict' from files
// 2. closure compresses code in production environment
// 3. prettier formats and beautifies
// 4. renderChunk adds header code like license
// 5. stripUnusedImports removes unused imports

Start Compilation

yarn build --type=NODE
# Of course, you can choose to compile only these parts
yarn build react/index,react/jsx,react-dom/index,scheduler --type=NODE

After compilation, create global symlinks for use in later projects. Enter the build/react and build/react-dom directories respectively:

pnpm link -g
# View the global symlinks created by pnpm
pnpm list -g --depth 0

I created the project using @twotwoba/mk-app-cli[^2]. Before using pnpm link to import the compiled react and react-dom into the project, first modify the project configuration:

  • package.json

        "dependencies": {
    -    "react": "^18.2.0",
    -    "react-dom": "^18.2.0",
  • vite.config.ts

    build: {
        rollupOptions: {
    +       external: ['react', 'react-dom']
            output: {
    +            globals: {
    +                react: 'React',
    +                'react-dom': 'ReactDOM'
    +            }

After installing the dependencies for the project, use pnpm to reference the global symlinks:

pnpm i
pnpm link -g react react-dom

Start Debug Mode

For details, see VSCode official debugging. I won't elaborate further.

  1. First, start the project pnpm run dev
  2. Enter VSCode's debug panel, create launch.json, as follows:
        "type": "chrome",
        "request": "launch",
        "name": "Debug React Source Code",
        "url": "http://localhost:7788", // Configure the port according to your project
        "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"
    After configuration, press F5 or click the start button to enter debug mode. Then you can freely set breakpoints in VSCode and trace the source code according to the call stack 😄.

Icing on the Cake

Actually, with the above steps, you can already debug React source code smoothly in VSCode, but there are two shortcomings:

  1. The source code file located through the call stack is not the React source file we cloned
  2. You can't add bookmarks 🔖 using the Bookmarks plugin in the located source code

To solve these two problems, we need to make slight modifications to the above steps.

  • Put the cloned React source code and the project used for debugging in the same folder. The purpose of this is to make them in the same workspace
  • In this directory, create a new launch.json, modify as follows
    -     "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"
    +     "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/YourProject"

Finally, let's start the project again and open debug mode. If all goes well, when you click on the call stack, you can directly locate the React source code file. Great job 🎉

The principle is simple: as long as the sourcemap is effective and the mapped file is under the current workspace, VSCode will open the corresponding file
